Swing Motor

Product Information

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Swing Motor

Technology Innovation
Technological innovation creates values.

Swing motors are core elements necessary for the operation of excavators.
Piston pumps that form the oil pressure using engine power and main control valves convey the oil pressure to each part. Swing motors are hydraulic motors that form the proper turning force of excavator booms using oil pressure, shift rotation either to the right or left and convey or cut off turning power.


  • Swing motors that display strong power and the highest performance
  • High-functioning and compact design applying new technology
  • Excellent maintenance
  • High reliability and good technology
  • Actively supporting various customer demands

Mounted car




MODEL Displacement
Gear Ratio
Number of
Teeth for pinion
SDS 028013 28.86~43 200~210 35.64 13.889 M7×13T 78(55) 5
SDS 028019 28.86~43 200~210 35.64~38.9 19.464 M7×13T 78(55) 6~8
SDS 064019 64~72 240~270 125~128 19.041 M12×10T 117(88) 13~14
SDS 080019 80 260~280 132 19.041 M12×10T 124(95) 16~17
SDS 128019 128~141 260~280 190~223.5 19.636 M12×13T 222(170) 19~24
SDS 169025 169~180 275~285 240~270 25.017 M14×15T 369(306) 25~29


MODEL D1 D2 D3 D4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 SH,PG PA,PB Mu DB Dr F1 F2
SDS 028013 Φ200f7 PCD275 Φ303 PCD203 98.2 194 208 46 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF3/4 PF3/8 PF3/8 7-Φ17
SDS 028019 Φ200f7 PCD275 Φ303 PCD203 98.2 194 208 46 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF3/4 PF3/8 PF3/8 7-Φ17
SDS 064019 Φ220f7 PCD290 Φ323 PCD260 118 234 274 60 38.1 17.5 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF3/4 PF3/8 PF1/2 9-Φ18 8-M8
SDS 080019 Φ220f7 PCD290 Φ410 PCD260 131 258 274 60 38.1 17.5 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF3/4 PF3/8 PF1/2 9-Φ18 8-M8
SDS 128019 Φ310f7 PCD360 Φ570 PCD282 162 299 321 68 47.6 22.2 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF1 PF1/2 PF1/2 11-Φ22 8-M10
SDS 169025 Φ390f7 PCD520 Φ480 PCD344 179 351 310 68 47.6 22.2 PF1/4 PF1/4 PF1 PF1/2 PF1/2 11-Φ22 8-M10